2018 STEM TLPL Teacher Leader Application 

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Personal Information
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Teaching Status

You must be a current teacher in order to continue this application.

Please include the complete name.

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Propose a Course, Title & Theme

Suggested Best Practice: It is recommended that you type your essay responses in a word document as a backup and copy them into this application.

As a Teacher Leader, you will design and facilitate a 4-session course on effective instructional strategies around a particular topic (ex--Common Core Writing Strategies, Next Generation Science Standards, Using Inquiry in the Science Classroom, Using Technology in the Classroom, etc.) that you have successfully implemented in your own classroom.

(B) Provide concrete details for your course:

Target Audience:

Short Answer Questions

Please name the file in the following format: FirstNameLastName_CCSSAlignedLessonPlan

Short Answer Questions:
1. Using your lesson plan as one example of how you have implemented standards-aligned instruction (200-300 words total): 

(A) Using your lesson plan as an example, describe how you use standards, student data, and best practices to plan and deliver effective instruction.
(B) Describe how your students' learning and their outcomes were affected by your instructional practices. You may include anecdotal and/or numerical data as evidence of student achievement.



Please provide two references (supervisor or colleague) with knowledge of your instruction.

Reference #1:

Reference #2:

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*If at any time you click Save my progress and resume later,  you will be prompted to enter your email and choose a password (you may need to scroll up or down to find this section). You will receive an email with your personal link to continue your application. 

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