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IPS Innovation Teacher Collaborative 

Teacher Leader Application Spring 2021

Thank you for your interest in applying for a position in the IPS Innovation Teacher Collaborative. Launching in April 2021, with support from The Mind Trust, we are looking to select a group of diverse high-quality teachers leaders dedicated to improving their own individual schools, as well as the overall Innovation Network. Within the IPS Innovation School Network, focus has often centered on the school leader. This project will instead focus on the experiences and development of the teachers in the classroom. Our Teach Plus staff is excited to learn more about you and your school through this selection process. 

As a teacher leader in an Innovation School, Teach Plus believes you can play a critical role in the ongoing work to improve not only your school, but the Innovation Network in general. Through this program, you will have the opportunity to lead a collaborative team of your peers, in partnership with your principal, in developing customized and school-based solutions to the needs of your learners. Teach Plus has over a decade of experience in activating teachers to serve as leaders and will build your skills to grow and exercise your leadership to facilitate school-based change. Through the Innovation Teacher Collaborative, you will examine data to identify the needs of  your school and students, develop a project to address those and chart a path forward to bring about change through continuous improvement. All while identifying barriers to implementation and policy shifts that would better serve all IPS students.  

Successful applicants will receive a $1,600 leadership stipend, and leadership coaching as they implement their projects.  Applicants must have at least three years of teaching experience and  currently work in an IPS Innovation School.

Eligibility Requirements

My Principal's Contact Information:

Teacher Leader Personal Information

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*If you click Save my progress and resume later,  you will be asked to enter your email and to choose a password. You will receive an email with a link to continue your application. 
Teaching Information

Please include the complete name.

Select all that apply. To select multiple responses on a PC hold "Ctrl", on a Mac hold the Command key (next to space bar)

Select all that apply. To select multiple responses on a PC hold "Ctrl", on a Mac hold the Command key (next to space bar)

*If you click Save my progress and resume later,  you will be asked to enter your email and to choose a password. You will receive an email with a link to continue your application. 
Essay Questions

Teach Plus Equity Focus Areas:


Please provide a peer-teacher reference who has knowledge of your instruction.

Reference #1 (MUST be a peer teacher)


If advanced to the next round, you will be invited to a virtual interview between March 24th and March 31st.  We will be sending you a link to select an appointment slot through Calendly.  

Thank you for your interest in the IPS Innovation Teacher Collaborative.

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