Teach Plus Massachusetts Presents Anti-Bias and Anti-Racist Work in Our Schools: A Teacher Led Discussion

We are excited to let you know that our Senior Teacher Leadership Fellows will be hosting a series of teacher planned and facilitated virtual events on anti-bias and anti-racist work in our schools. During this three part series you will have the opportunity to:

  1. Understand what it means to be an anti-racist and culturally responsive educator, examine examples, and become familiar with the "antiracist continuum."
  2. Apply this understanding to assess your own school and identify actions and solutions to move it up the continuum.
  3. Apply this understanding to assess curriculum.

Dates and Sessions (all sessions will be from 5:00-6:30PM ET)

February 25th: Racial Awareness and Education

March 25th: Keeping the Focus on Race in Schools

May 6th: Anti-Bias Lens to Curriculum

(An additional session may be added in June)

To register for an event, please complete the form below.

Please write out the complete name.

Please write out the complete name.

Please select the event(s) you would like to attend:

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