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2025-26 Chicago Change Agent Application

Eligibility Requirements

*If you click Save my progress and resume later,  you will be asked to enter your email and to choose a password. You will receive an email with a link to continue your application. 
My Principal's Contact Information:

Teacher Leader Personal Information

Select all that apply. To select multiple responses on a PC hold "Ctrl", on a Mac hold the Command key (next to space bar).

(i.e., Black, Indigenous, Latino/a/x, Asian, Pacific Islander, and/or of other global majority race or ethnicity)

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Teaching Information

Please write out the complete name.

If your School District does not come up as an option when entering it, please type and select "Not Listed".

Select all that apply. To select multiple responses on a PC hold "Ctrl", on a Mac hold the Command key (next to space bar)

Select all that apply. To select multiple responses on a PC hold "Ctrl", on a Mac hold the Command key (next to space bar)

Select all that apply. To select multiple responses on a PC hold "Ctrl", on a Mac hold the Command key (next to space bar)

Essay Questions
For the questions below, we are offering two options for completing them:

Note: Both options will be evaluated by the same standards and there are no advantages to any format. We are trying to make this application as accessible as possible to all applicants.

Read the following list of topics. Below the description, select the topic area to which your proposed project most closely aligns. 
  • Improving the instruction practice of my peers teachers in:
    • Math
    • Literacy
    • Technology
    • Computer Science Instruction
    • Science
    • Social Science
    • Content-independent instructional skills (such as questioning, inquiry, small groups, etc.)
    • Other (please explain)
  • Changing the non-instructional practice of my peer teachers in:
    • Collaborating (PLCs, working together in teams, etc.)
    • Using data to drive assessments and instruction
    • Planning
    • Classroom management
    • Teachers supporting teachers (mentoring, peer observations, etc.)
    • Other (please explain)
  • Changing the culture or climate in my school through teachers:
    • Student Engagement
    • Student Attendance
    • Other (please explain)
  • Other (please explain)

Your resume should succinctly (two pages or less) tell the story of how your related experiences, informal and formal leadership experience, and your accomplishments make you a great candidate for the fellowship. If you do not have a current resume, here are some resources to help you build this useful professional tool:

Article on what to include in your resume (new teachers vs. those with many years experience)
ResumeGenius - a free on-line resume builder
Google Docs Resume Templates
Microsoft Word Resume Templates

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